First Steps
MicroPlex Lab is a free-to-use software package. We ask that you register your use of the product with us so we are able to send you notifications of product updates and monitor usage patterns.
The registration requires a valid email address to verify your identity. Once registered, an email with a confirmation link will be sent to the address you provided during the registration process. Please follow the instructions in the email to complete your registration with the MicroPlex Lab software.
Log In
Using the account you created during the registration process, follow the login prompt to enable access to the MicroPlex Lab software.
Remember Me
You have the option of having the program remember your login credentials. With this setting active, the program will alert you once per week to renew your session.
If there is an update to our EULA, you will receive an alert containing a link to the new EULA and a prompt so you can update your agreement to it.