MicroPlex Flash
Using MicroPlex Flash
MicroPlex Flash is a stand-alone flashing utility that is installed alongside MicroPlex Lab, allowing you to flash existing files onto MicroPlex controllers without having to create a MicroPlex Lab project first.
Main Screen
The main screen of MicroPlex Flash will automatically scan for a connected MicroPlex programmer and controller. These scans can be rerun manually at any time via the buttons along the right side of the application. If the application cannot locate your controller, check to ensure the controller is properly connected.
Once the application has located the controller, click the SELECT button to the right of the File field and choose the desired file.
Finally, click the FLASH button to flash the instructions onto the connected MicroPlex controller.
Advanced Screen
The advanced screen of MicroPlex Flash allows you to watch the CAN communication with the controller. It also allows you to specify a single baudrate to scan for controllers, allowing faster, more targeted scans.